Makeup, Skin Care, Fashion and Beauty for the Home

What You Need to Know About Beauty, Makeup, Skin Care and Your Image

Average: 4 (1 vote)
4333 learners
12 hours
1 quizzes
5 lessons
What you'll learn

Learn what you need to know about Make Up, Skin Care and Style


Just the desire to be a better you!

Additional information

Over 12 hours of incredible content with what you need to know to live a healthy and beautiful life! See the Course Curriculum below.

Make Up

Make Up - Course 1 - Beauty Brushes

Make Up - Course 2 - Detox Your Makeup Bag & Travel Like a Boss

Make Up - Course 3 - Tips On Natural Beauty Makeup

Make Up - Course 4 - Tips On Glamour Makeup

Make Up - Course 5 - How To Tips for Teenage Makeup

Makeup, Skin Care, Fashion and Beauty for the Home


Makeup is super fun & you can totally experiment with it. If you're a complete beginner, fear not! Our ' Makeup quiz for beginners' is here to teach you more about makeup. Let's test your knowledge of makeup! You are expected to answer all the questions carefully.